Links Page
Do you have a favorite website? If it's educational, informative, or just plain fun, tell us about it. We'll post it here for all to enjoy. Just click the link provided. Make sure you include the URL in the body of the message along with a brief discription.
Troop News
If you're curious where the graphics came from in constructing these pages, check out this site. It not only has hundreds of image files in several formats, they also have scouting software for PC's and Mac's. There is also a large reference section for Scoutmasters.
Upcoming Events
Contact Info
U.S.Scouting Project
Cal Parks Find the best campsites and make reservations online.
Cal Parks
Want to know the road conditions and weather on the way to those campsites? Try one of these sites
CalTrans Amdahl
Here is a fun site. Ever ask youself the question, " I wonder how that works?". Here is the page with all the answers!
How Stuff Works
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